Annamaya Kosha refers to the physical body, what sages referred to as the food sheath, as it is comprised of the food we ingest from the earth. Eventually, as our physical bodies demise & return to the earth, it will also become food for other creatures. For this reason, in this section we discuss the flesh & anatomical composition of the human body as it relates to our asana practice.
Asanas are the movements & postures of our physical body. Our body is the vehicle in which our consciousness, soul, & truth resides. By developing an understanding of the body, we ask the question of “where” & work through any imbalances as they present themselves in our physical form. As it relates to our asana practice, each of the 5 natural elements correspond to energetic focal points in the physical body, also known as Chakras. Our goal is to balance the associated energies at each focal point & holistically by working the physical body at those locations. Our intention in this practice is to consciously inhabit the physical body & sense it from within.
Channeling our vulnerability can feel scary. Learn how we create a safe space to soften, heal, & grow.
At Learning to Fly with Tangled Wings, we emphasize the sensation of the stretch & progress on to more challenging variations as our bodies open & proper form allows.
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