The adductors are located along the inner thigh & serve to adduct (draw the leg toward the medial line), flex the hip, & medially rotate. The muscle group is comprised of adductor longus, adductor brevis, adductor magnus, pectineus, & gracilis. They attach at the top of the pubic bone & the back of the femur. Because they attach to the pubic bone, they may be a contributor to anterior pelvic tilt. Sometimes referred to as the fourth hamstring, the adductor magnus actually has a portion that attaches to the sit bone, the same place as the hamstring attachment, & for that reason plays a role in assisting the hamstrings to extend the hip.

Pranamaya Kosha: The Water Element
Pranamaya Kosha: The Energy Sheath As we experience this change of seasons here in the PNW, I am reminded of nature’s temporal, well, nature. The