Encased within Annamaya Kosha (the physical body), & the Pranamaya Kosha (the energy body), & the Manomaya Kosha (the mental body), & the Vijnanamaya Kosha (the wisdom body), is the Anandamaya Kosha, which refers to the Bliss Body. Ananda, a Sanskrit term meaning “divine joy“, differs from the temporary joy we experience through sensory pleasures in that it is a much deeper, felt, dynamic joy that may be found regardless of circumstances outside oneself as it originates from within.
We often wish to control, to know something for certain, in order to feel complete or at rest and whole. However, simply as a matter of our existence, we cannot. As human beings, we exist in a fraction of time, space, & universal reality & truth & therefore can never know all that is. The only certain truth, is what is, in the present, without label, possession, or attachment.
And so, we are left with the eternal quest to figure out who we are. If we are not our body, not the labels we have inherited, our possessions, our roles or titles as suggested by the ego mind, who are we? As a matter of faith, we surrender to the unknown – to the truth that our existence & perspective, as a product of that existence, is & forever will be, inherently, partial. Acknowledging & accepting this universal truth without fear & instead with an underlying felt sense that “all is well” relinquishes our control, & with it, our ego mind. This is what is known as the Anandamaya Kosha, or Bliss Body.
We are all wandering the earth with these hole-punched hearts. And no matter how we try to disguise that void with the many distractions, roles, possessions, attachments, & identities we assume, sooner or later, we are reminded of their temporary & contextual nature, & are right back to where we started. Confused & yearning for known truth. The Bliss Body is the deepest layer of the Koshas & for that reason can sometimes feel difficult to access, but may be experienced through deep meditation or prayer. When accessed, one is viscerally open to & aware of the freedoms & joys that existence has to offer. We feel comprised of goodness & are able to experience contentment & natural ecstasy.
Our intention in this practice is to trust, to have faith in ourselves & each other, in our authentic goodness. With that lightness, fly. Here we express the shedding of attachments & celebrate our true nature of oneness.
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